Learn More About Our Core Beliefs
Predatory Capitalism is the Problem
Capitalism is supposed to be the greatest economic system in the world. Competition and efficiency are supposed to lead to the best prices for the goods we want. Everyone is supposed to prosper. But that’s not the reality of capitalism today. Predatory elites have twisted our economy and our culture into a form of capitalism that works really well for them but poorly for everyone else.
Elites Purposefully Divide Us
Why is America so divided? It’s not an accident. In politics and life, when you have a question that you can’t answer, there is one thing that can set you on the right track. Just ask: WHO BENEFITS? In the case of our messed up American society, the answer is clear: there is a small group of incredibly wealthy elites who have gained enormous power, influence, and massive wealth in our society. They use their influence not for the public good, but for their good. And they have spent the last 40+ years buying our country.
True Freedom Means Taking Power Back from Elites
What does “freedom” mean to you? Is it really just another word that we throw around in songs and that politicians use to get us on their side? Or does it have real meaning? And if it means something, shouldn’t we be talking about that and making sure our society is more free?
Community Is Our Greatest Asset
Predatory elites would have us believe that looking out for yourself is paramount, that we live in a world of selfish cheaters who are out to get us. But do we really? Or are most people decent humans just trying to do their best? What would happen if we stopped approaching the world like it was out to get us, and, instead, looked at others as good people and members of your community?