Sick of all the fighting? Want an America that works for everyone, not just the rich and powerful?
Join us at The Come Together Project and help us create a better America for everyone.
Founder of The Come Together Project, Dr. Brian Endless, shares his inspiration behind the Project and what CTP is all about.
The Come Together Project is for anyone who is sick of all of the fighting in our culture, society and politics. It is for people who want to join together, from all sides, and take things back for the people of this country. Our politicians, elites and media feed us a steady stream of stories, pictures and messages intended to set us against each other. They know that if we are busy fighting each other, we won’t have time to catch all the ways they lie to us and cheat us. So they turn us against each other. And all this has done over the past 40+ years is move us in the wrong direction.
The Come Together Project was founded to first go out and LISTEN to all Americans - rural, small town, post-industrial and urban - and to find the places where we AGREE. We want many of the same things. A better life for our families. Stronger communities where we help each other. Decency in our government and communities for everyone. Better schools, roads, infrastructure, broadband access and many other things. Access to clean water and healthy food. Decent health care where the insurance companies can’t deny our claims, and hospital stays don’t make us go broke. Day care for our kids. There are hundreds of other places where we agree.
The Come Together Project wants to find the places we agree and FOCUS our society on those areas. We want to take power back from the wealthy elites and corporations, not just in politics, but in our culture and society too. We want an America that focuses on making us all better, not on setting us at each other’s throats.
We’re sick of life as usual in America. And this is the start of DOING SOMETHING ABOUT IT.
Please join us and we can all COME TOGETHER to make as BETTER AMERICA for EVERYONE